February 25-26, 2002 - Washington, D.C.

Was selected by NARAL and the FMLA to go to D.C. to lobby against the Charles Pickering nomination. I traveled with the same girl from Texas as before (she ran a student group at UT) and they put us all up at the Melrose Hotel. I was so spoiled! It was a huge, comfortable room, all to myself and first thing I did was take a bubble bath. Dinner was at the National Women's Law Center and we were briefed on Pickering. 

Afterwards, on the way back to the hotel, I hit a bookstore, like I do, and bought my souvenir for this trip. 
The next morning I had breakfast with the UT girl and then we met with Senators. Then there was a press meeting in front of the Capitol. And then off to meet with the Judiciary Committee Staff. Then back to the hotel to go to the airport.

I wish I had more time on this trip- drove past some museums and all these great looking shops, but sadly, no time...

What did I learn? Lobbying is EXHAUSTING. By 3 p.m. I was ready to fall over and nap. And my feet hurt. 

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